Hi, I’m Mikail Uzun. At phrasepassion.com I’m publishing blog articles with quotes about various interesting topics. Being a master graduate in Business Law sparked the interest in me in writing a few years ago. That’s when I decided to start a blog where I can share my thoughts with my audience. Even as a kid I grew up with quotes. When my parents taught me how to behave and how to talk in public, they always related to various known quotes. I took this with me my whole life and was always surrounded with inspiring and helpful quotes. In life you are always in different situations and all of them led me to look for quotes, which would show me a way to deal with the situation I was in. That’s why I decided to start a blog about interesting, meaningful and inspiring quotes.

How You’ll Benefit From My Work
In my blog articles, I try to explain the meaning of the quotes I’m sharing with you, so don’t need to do further research and learn everything needed on my blog. This contains advises of how to adapt these quotes into your life and how to take profit from them. You’ll find quotes to almost all kind of topics and from well known persons of the human history, for example celebrities who were known for their inspiring words which helped people in the past a lot. You can easily put these words into practice in your daily life and get ahead of the most people regarding mental health.

Who We Are And How You Can Contact Us
You can contact me on Instagram and on X (Twitter). I’m lucky about my partnership with the NicheLink GbR, who help me to share these blog articles with you on Phrasepassion. We are doing a lot of research, in order to provide you the most relevant quotes. However everything is still in progress and we’ll improve our service so we can get better in helping you to learn more about life through quotes. In addition, you can find us on Pinterest, on Instagram and on X (Twitter). My colleague Marlene Schumacher does all the work on the social platforms. Make sure to give us a follow on these channels so you don’t miss any of our good work and we can grow together in the future. Personally and mentally. Otherwise, you can contact us via following Email-Adress: contact@phrasepassion.com or phone: +49152 089 70 855
Phrasepassion belongs to the Blum and Steffes NicheLink GbR, a German media company c/o Block Services Stuttgarter Str. 106, 70736 Fellbach.